Released: Apr 2024
Completed: May 2007*
Mix: Page/Kuris/Bob Logan
Producer: Page/Kuris/Bob Logan
Songs: Page/Kuris/Gullotti
Lyrics: Page
Engineers: Page/Kuris/Bob Logan
Mastering: Jeff Lipton/Peerless
Streams: linktree
about the record
*The Forest Effect's A Space To Call Your Own, was released in 2024, while recording began in ... 2003! Completed in 2007. And shelved ... until now.
Born into a cruel post-Napster world in which many fans stopped buying CDs but streaming was only a future promise, our little record didn't have the support it needed to survive. So we put it on ice. Now de-thawed, it still sounds like us!
The full story
Released Aug 2022
Mix: Paul Q Kolderie
Producer: Page
Add'l Production: Kuris
Songs: Page/Kuris
Lyrics: Page
Engineers: Page/Kuris/Matt Tahaney/Pat DiCenso
Mastering: Mike Quinn
Streams: linktree
about the record
The Forest Effect's 3rd release My Fractured Display, with more of an acoustic guitar and piano focus, shows more light in the leaves. Done once again with mix engineer Paul Q Kolderie, the record features amazing guest musicians, including Joe Lazarus (drums), Kevin Barry (lap steel), Mike Piehl (drums), bassists Ben Thibault, Tim Weiner, and Kimon Kirk, backing vocalists Emily Desmond, Colby Dix, Priya Carlberg, and Thibault.
Is My Fractured Display a great Covid record?
about the record
The Forest Effect's 2nd release, originally intended to be a "live in the studio" type of recording, instead sprawled out into a two-year project. But the additional reworking of arrangements, sounds and melodies allowed each song to blossom from a rehearsal space work-song into a true life-form of its own. Lyrical themes of splintered connections and personal perseverance leave melodies left in ruin, lacing the band's saturated tones and eventually succumbing to the vast expanse of The Roses of Shepard-Risset. Continuing their mix process with Paul Q Kolderie, the record features several backing vocalists and drummers Dan Gullotti and Mike Piehl.
about the record
The Forest Effect's first release went through a long period of "digital fermentation" while the half-finished tunes sat neglected on a hard drive for years. Originally begun with Boston legend Paul Kolderie recording drums/bass at Camp Street Studios, Page and Kuris spent many a cold hour adding additional tracks at a CRS rehearsal space, but then hit the pause button. Something didn't smell right in there. Anyways. As Kuris/Page pivoted away from rehearsals with a rhythm section to focus more on recording, they revisited the Camp Street Sessions, liked what they heard, and decided it was time to finish. With Kolderie providing the mixes, the songs were finally printed and framed like photos on the shelf.